Code Blue
We do not collect your data. What that means is no data is ever transmitted from the app to us.
Code Blue (IOS/Android) uses location data with your permission for the following:
1) To annotate where the “code” is taking place.
2) This information is not shared with anyone and remains only in the device itself.
3) The location is used in the report generated after the code has ended.
4) This data is only available to the user.
Shampoo Solutions PR
Se transmite la siguiente información a nuestros sistemas para podernos comunicar con ustedes:
- Nombre
- Correo Electrónico
- Municipio
- Listado de Servicios
- Información Adicional
Esta información se utiliza solo para propósitos de comunicación solamente. No se vende a terceros o se utiliza para enviarle anuncios de ningún tipo.